
Project Update: 2023 in Review

1 December 2023

TCV would like to thank the communities across the VNI West project area for taking part in our events this year, asking questions and joining the conversation about VNI West.

As we reach the end of 2023, we would like to take this opportunity to recap on the progress of VNI West this year and look ahead to 2024.

2023 Engagement Snapshot

Engagement with landholders, community members, Traditional Owners and key stakeholders has contributed significantly to the route refinement process for VNI West.

  • Direct conversations with landholders in the draft corridor
  • 22 in-person community information sessions and 5 webinars attended by over 1200 people
  • Ongoing consultation with Traditional Owner groups, including participation in On-Country Days
  • 2 meetings of the Community Reference Group, comprising 17 local representatives
  • Online interactive map with 2326 comments from 201 participants
  • Regular meetings with key stakeholders including local councils
  • Over 10 workshops with technical experts and local stakeholders

Information available

Our consultation and conversations provided the VNI West project team with many valuable insights, including identifying key topics of interest for the community.

We have focused our efforts on finding answers and developing materials to address these concerns.

Fact Sheets and FAQs are a good source of information and can be found under Project Resources on the TCV website. You can find information about:

Key milestones of 2023

An image of a grassy field and a fence

May 2023

AEMO Victorian Planning and Transgrid (the company that is developing the New South Wales section of VNI West) completed the early planning and regulatory process for VNI West.

This work confirmed that the project will help deliver the required uplift in Victoria’s energy system to maintain electricity security, reliability and affordability.

At this time, a broad area of interest, up to 50km wide was identified as potentially suitable to host transmission infrastructure.

June-August 2023

Detailed desktop assessments were conducted focused on identifying sensitivities or constraints within the area of interest that should be avoided, where possible. Examples of identified constraints include ecology, cultural heritage, landscape and visual amenity, areas subject to flooding, agricultural infrastructure and activities and proximity to settlements.

Image: VNI West draft corridor

An illustrated map focusing on Victoria and New South Wales region, and highlighting the proposed VNI West draft corridor

September-October 2023

Communities and farmers across the project area provided valuable details about land use and sensitivities.

This feedback was considered alongside TCV’s constraints mapping to narrow the area of interest to a draft corridor of approximately 2km wide.

This corridor was identified as likely to have the least impact on lifestyles, livelihoods and important land features in the VNI West project area.

An image of a person pointing to a map on a table

October-December 2023

TCV has been largely focused on making contact with all landholders in the draft corridor to better understand how they use their land and any important property features which should be avoided. These conversations provide an important opportunity for impacted landholders to help identify a route for VNI West that has the least impact on their farms.

We also began in-field surveys to build our understanding of important ecological values, such as wildlife habitats and vegetation.

Next steps

In early 2024, TCV will refer VNI West to the Department of Transport and Planning to determine whether an Environment Effects Statement will be required.

If the Victorian Minister for Planning determines that an EES will be applied, TCV will undertake extensive studies on ecology, agriculture, cultural heritage, social values and more.

TCV will meet again with the communities, landholders and Traditional Owners that are impacted by VNI West to discuss the project, the studies and to seek feedback. Incorporating these insights will be an essential element of the planning and approvals process.

TCV’s team of Landholder Liaisons will continue to work closely with landholders in the draft corridor to help find the best route for the ~100m wide easement.

We will also be seeking access to a small number of private properties to conduct environmental field surveys for this initial phase of environmental assessment. Our land team will negotiate access agreements with landholders, including biosecurity requirements, before any field surveys commence.

We expect to have a good idea of the indicative easement by mid-year 2024, although the final alignment for transmission will not be confirmed until state and federal planning and environmental approvals are granted.

More information about our next phase of community consultation will be made available early in the new year.

Get in touch

If you have a question you would like to ask, please get in contact through the details below.


Phone: 1800 824 221
