
Project Update: June 2024

1 June 2024

EES Technical Reference Group established for VNI West

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) has established an independent Technical Reference Group (TRG) to provide oversight and advice throughout the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process. The primary role of the TRG is to advise DTP on matters that should be studied as part of the EES and the adequacy of the studies once complete.

The TRG will advise DTP on the draft scoping requirements for the EES, including the comprehensive technical studies to be conducted over the next 12 – 18 months to assess the potential impact of the project.

DTP will seek feedback on the draft scoping requirements, providing landholders and community members the opportunity to have their say via a formal consultation process in coming months.

More information on the TRG and its role can be found at Planning Victoria.

Fourth Community Reference Group meeting

The VNI West Community Reference Group (CRG) met for the fourth time on Tuesday 7 May in Charlton, with 13 attendees and five apologies.

CFA West Region Deputy Chief Fire Officer Brett Boatman attended the meeting to provide background on firefighting operations around transmission lines and to answer CRG member questions.

Throughout the meeting, CRG members conveyed various concerns and provided advice relevant to VNI West. Members also provided advice about how to better engage the community during the scoping phase of the project’s EES to maximise community participation. Key suggestions included:

  • Government to consider delivering engagement activities independent of TCV.
  • Use simple language that everyone can understand.
  • Use local councils as an avenue to connect with community members and groups who have not previously engaged.
  • Explain why it is important that people engage.
  • Facilitate access to subject matter experts during engagement e.g. ecologists.

TCV greatly appreciates the time taken by CRG members to provide advice on matters relating to the project. Their feedback will be considered and implemented wherever possible in the development and delivery of future engagement activities.

Ongoing field surveys

The draft corridor for VNI West is currently about 2km wide in most locations. TCV aims to refine this corridor to a width of around 100m in the third quarter of 2024. As part of this process, we are conducting field surveys in the area to build our understanding of environmental considerations, local flora and fauna and geological features. We will apply these findings and feedback from landholders and the community along with engineering and technical studies to help identify a refined route for transmission that minimises impacts to people, farming and the environment. Additional field work will be required for detailed studies and assessments under the EES over the next 18 months.

TCV has negotiated access to private land for surveys with some landholders, performing ecology surveys on select properties. These surveys are conducted using Land Access Agreements (LAAs), negotiations for these voluntary access agreements continue with landholders across the corridor. We are working closely with landholders to understand and document their terms of access including any biosecurity measures. On signing a land access agreement, landholders will receive a land access payment in recognition of any inconvenience caused. The LAA covers access for field surveys works only; it does not commit a landholder to having transmission infrastructure on their land or indicate endorsement of the VNI West project.

Application for an electricity transmission licence

TCV is in the process of applying to the Essential Services Commission (ESC) for an electricity transmission licence, which enables the holder to operate transmission infrastructure and transmit electricity in Victoria.

The ESC will complete an initial review of TCV’s licence application and, once satisfied that all required information is provided, will publish the licence application on its website and open it to public consultation over a six-week period. VNI West stakeholders, landholders and local community members will have the opportunity to provide submissions to the ESC regarding TCV's application.

Get in touch

If you have a question you would like to ask, please get in contact through the details below.

Phone: 1800 824 221

Kerang Office: Shop 15, 47 Victoria Street, Patchell Plaza, Kerang.
Open 12pm to 4:30pm on Tuesdays and 9am to 1pm on Wednesdays.