
Project Update: Early September 2024

1 September 2024

Transmission licence consultation opens

TCV is in the process of applying to the Essential Services Commission (ESC) for a Victorian electricity transmission licence.

A transmission licence enables the holder to operate transmission infrastructure and transmit electricity in Victoria.

Applying for a transmission licence is a regular part of delivering a project such as VNI West. The licence would support the land access, planning and environment approvals works underway as TCV proceeds with its plans to develop, design, build and operate the VNI West project.

The ESC is currently assessing the application, which is available for review and public submissions via the ESC website. The ESC is planning to hold two online public information sessions on the 19th of September and the 8th of October. Registration information is available on the ESC website.

Community Reference Group August meeting

The VNI West CRG met for the fifth time on the 14th of August 2024. Claire Cass (General Manager Victorian Network Services), Merryn York (Executive General Manager – System Design) and Samantha Smith (Manager Project Community and Stakeholder Engagement) from AEMO provided a background presentation, program update, answered questions and listened to concerns of the CRG. Key topics of discussion included:

  • Appreciation of the time and commitment of the CRG in engaging about the project and recognition of the real and significant impact of the project on communities.
  • An update about the land access agreement, transmission license application, Environmental Effects Statement, Transmission Network Service Provider (TNSP) tender and route refinement processes.
  • Concerns about the project, including about the level of compensation for hosting transmission lines versus hosting renewable energy infrastructure.

This meeting also marked the beginning of discussions with the CRG on opportunities to implement programs that will create lasting benefits for the community.

Detailed minutes on the previous CRG meeting (held in May 2024) have now been endorsed by the CRG and are available for review on the TCV website.

Environment Effects Statement

TCV is required to prepare an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the VNI West project. The EES is Victoria’s most rigorous assessment of potential environmental impacts for major projects, overseen by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (the Department).

An independent Technical Reference Group (TRG) was convened by the Department to provide oversight and advice throughout the EES process. The TRG recently held its fourth meeting as discussions continue to finalise the draft scoping requirements for the project. The draft scoping requirements include the list of matters to be investigated and proposed studies for the EES.

The draft scoping requirements will be exhibited for public comment in the coming months. All submissions received will be reviewed by the Department and considered as part of the process to finalise the EES scoping requirements.

Preferred easement process

Conversations with landholders, engineering studies and field surveys are part of the ongoing work to narrow down the VNI West draft corridor to a preferred easement. We expect to have more detail to share soon, with communications and consultations planned for September, subject to the EES process. We appreciate landholders will be the most directly impacted and want to ensure they have the opportunity to talk with us, ask questions and understand the next steps prior to the public release of the preferred easement.

Field surveys

Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) now has land access agreements in place for more than 100 properties in the VNI West draft corridor to allow important survey work to continue. Additional survey types were introduced in August, including noise monitoring and historical heritage investigations.

Specialised noise monitors have been placed throughout the broader VNI West draft corridor, allowing TCV to establish noise criteria – or a noise baseline – with respect to the relevant legislation and guidelines. These devices store numerical data based on noise levels, not live audio recordings, to ensure the privacy of landholders and members of the public.

Two people conducting a historical heritage survey

Site inspections for historical heritage values have also commenced, assessing known and potential historical heritage and archaeological sites. These non-invasive investigations are undertaken by qualified and experienced archaeologists and consist of site walkthroughs and photography.

The locations and periods for planned survey activities are updated regularly on the TCV website.

Get in touch

If you have a question you would like to ask, please get in contact through the details below.

Phone: 1800 824 221

Kerang Office: Shop 15, 47 Victoria Street, Patchell Plaza, Kerang.
Open 12pm to 4:30pm on Tuesdays and 9am to 1pm on Wednesdays.