
Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) is undertaking field survey activities across the VNI West draft corridor. This work is important and builds our understanding of environmental considerations such as flora, fauna and the geology of the area.

TCV survey activities on public land typically require Works Within the Road Reserve (WWRR) permits from local shire councils. These permits are arranged prior to works commencing.

TCV does not anticipate major disruptions to local traffic while field investigations are underway; however, appropriate traffic management resources are in use at each site.

Notice of works

Municipality Location Expected window Survey type
Gannawarra Shire Tragowel
06/05/2024 - 10/05/2024
Geotechnical Investigation

Types of Field Survey Works

Ecology surveys are used to identify important environmental values, such as wildlife habitats and vegetation. These surveys typically include non-invasive ground investigations, including site walkovers and photography.

These surveys allow TCV to identify flora and fauna within the draft corridor, including threatened plant species and native animals. This information allows the project to predict the likelihood of species occurrence in the region.

Geotechnical field investigations are used to determine the current conditions of soil and rock features in the broader draft corridor region.

TCV is undertaking a program of geological field studies from March to May 2024. These investigations consist of drilling 27 boreholes, each about 100mm in diameter at depths of no more than 35 metres.

All geotechnical drilling-related field work will take place on public land and all required permits have been obtained from relevant local authorities. Crews will be visible on roadsides as investigations take place.

These sites are not indicative of where towers will be located. Once tower sites are determined, further geotechnical bores will need to be undertaken at each of those locations.

Once sites are identified as suitable for geotechnical drilling, engineering, ecological and cultural heritage specialists assess the area for any potential issues before any survey drilling activities begin.

Geotechnical investigations will take place within a fenced off work zone to ensure field investigations can be completed safely. There will be multiple vehicles at each survey site including traffic management, pumping and drilling equipment.

Each borehole is remediated directly after drilling activity concludes. Boreholes are backfilled in strict accordance with the Australian Drilling Industry Association’s guidelines.

Learn more about these surveys in TCV’s Geotechnical Investigations explainer.

More information about the broader program of field surveys for VNI West can be found in the Land Access Technical Survey Activities fact sheet.

Questions about any aspect of VNI West can be directed to TCV via 1800 824 221 or emailed to enquiries@transmissionvictoria.com.au.