


VNI West and the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) Process

Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) is required to prepare an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the VNI West project.


What is an Environment Effects Statement (EES)?

The Environment Effects Statement (EES) is the most rigorous assessment of the potential environmental impact of a project in Victoria and requires a wide range of environmental, social and technical studies.


Who is responsible for administering the Environment Effects Statement Process?

The Environment Effects Statement (EES) is a regulated process, administered by the Department of Transport and Planning Victoria (DTP).


What studies will the Environment Effects Statement undertake?

TCV is engaging independent experts to undertake technical studies and assessments to inform the Environment Effects Statement (EES), across a wide range of matters.


How can communities have a say in the Environment Effects Statement?

The Environment Effects Statement (EES) scoping requirements, or matters to be considered, will be made available for public consultation.


How are studies chosen for the Environment Effects Statement?

The Environment Effects Statement (EES) is a comprehensive environmental, social and technical impact assessment process.

What if transmission infrastructure is proposed for my property?

Find out how your landholder liaison will present an offer of compensation if an easement is identified for your property.


What is the role of a Landholder Liaison?

The VNI West project has a team of landholder liaisons dedicated to each landholder throughout the draft corridor; learn more about how they’re available to support landholders with flexible meeting arrangements and information.


What is a Land Access Agreement?

Land access agreements (LAAs) are used to perform field survey activities for the VNI West project, confirming the condition and environmental sensitivities of a property. Your landholder liaison can help you design a LAA that meets the landholder’s access requirements.

Your Landholder Liaisons for VNI West

The VNI West project has a team of eight dedicated landholder liaisons for every landholder in the VNI West draft corridor. Learn more about their role as dedicated information resources for landholders and their ability to arrange meetings with project specialists.